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Since 2013, The Fissure is our outlet for real, inspired writing on education and the edvolution of learning in the 21st century.
An open forum, where we and our network of talented friends & colleagues contribute to the discourse on education in a way which provokes, but positively propels, the conversation forward.
Contact us to add your voice, perspective and story to The Fissure.
Nikki C.
6 min read
Not Returning This Gift: How the Gifted Label Unexpectedly Helped My Child…and Me
You know how some first-time parents like to read parenting books and BabyCenter e-mails, to get an idea of what to expect? Yeah – I’m...
Emily VR
7 min read
The Catch-22 of Gifted Underachievement
Imagine you’re a school counselor, and you have parents sitting in your office. They say their child isn’t being challenged in school. ...
Ben Koch
7 min read
“Poke the Box”: Inviting Students to Wonder and Initiate
In his 2011 book, Poke the Box: What was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?, prolific marketing and business expert Seth...
Emily VR
7 min read
Enriching Holiday Gatherings with Intergenerational Interviews
Parent tips and teacher ideas below! At holiday gatherings somewhere, perhaps, young children converse quietly with adults and behave...
Ben Koch
2 min read
5 Apps to Declutter Your Mind and Open Up Creative Headspace
In my role as an enrichment specialist (one of many hats I wear as Co-Founder of NuMinds), I’m often called upon to help guide the mind...
Emily VR
5 min read
Uncharted Territory: Early Milestones and Educational Planning
When parents watch developmental milestones, they usually think about delays. If a baby seems to be on track, or even hits milestones...
Ben Koch
5 min read
3 Reasons to Take Your Kid to The Martian
In an era of cinema when reboots, remakes, and endless “-ilogies” have come to dominate the multiplexes, I don’t blame you, parent, for...
Emily VR
5 min read
The Oxygen Mask: Gifted and 2e Parenting
Despite decades of research and advocacy, misconceptions about gifted students persist. Among the myths listed by the National...
Emily VR
6 min read
Making Use of Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities
Most gifted kids have them. They can confuse parents, teachers, and doctors. They may increase with the level of giftedness. If you...
Pia K. Ruda
5 min read
Ode to a Rush-Free Childhood
As parents, we are constantly playing catch up in several fields at once, trying to keep up with the others. Almost two months before the...
Emily VR
5 min read
Gifted 101: The 6 Gifted Profiles
Help for both parents and teachers — free parent resources also below! The situation: It’s the first month of school. You’re a teacher,...
Ben Koch
2 min read
A Student Poem to Vindicate Our Mission
Super Camper and poet Alexa with camp directors Ben Koch (left) and Justin Vawter. As part of our NuMinds gig, Justin and I direct a...
Emily VR
4 min read
The Power of Special Connections: Gifted/Special Needs Friendships
When you open books about gifted-identified students, you will usually find discussions about the social needs of gifted children. ...
Emily VR
4 min read
Helicopter vs. Free-Range: How the Parent Label Debate Hurts All Parents
Sometimes, in parenting, labels are helpful. When we research to understand diagnoses or challenges, and when we search for others with...
Emily VR
3 min read
Searching for Meaning: A Parent Book Review
When your kids worry about the meaning of life, what do you do? We all ask ourselves existential questions at some point. When those...
Darla Hays
5 min read
7 Ways to Generate Genuine Curiosity in Students
by Darla Hays At a recent faculty meeting, the teachers were asked to share what they would love to have more of in their classrooms. We...
NuMinds Admin
1 min read
10 Books to Nurture Your Gifted Child
In this vodcast from a series of parent talks by NuMinds, we give a working definition of bilbiotherapy and focus on its ability to...
Ben Koch
2 min read
The Element: An Inspiration to Re-Envision Education
In his 2009 book, The Element, educational philosopher Ken Robinson makes a heartfelt attempt to rescue the joy, spontaneity, passion...
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